So I took Jensen for his 18 month appointment on Tuesday ( He is 19 months, but he kept getting sick-- The story of our life!!) Here are his stats:
Head: 49.5 cm-- 90the percentile (HEED!!)
Length: 34 1/4 inches-- 90th percentile
Weight: 27 pounds-- 75th percentile
This kid is SOLID!!
He isn't really a talker. I counted the words he says, and the grand total is... 9!
I was starting to get a little worried about his talking, but they tell me is is doing fine. His cousin Gracie talks and talks and talks. She is a CRAZY talker! You can ask her to say anything, and she'll say it not only once, but she'll remember it. She is only 17 months!! I always tell her she is gifted. :)
Some of his favorite things are:
*Cars, cars, and more cars!!
*His blue soft blanket
*Collin-He follows him EVERYWHERE!!
*Anything with a lid that he can take on and off.
*His ride on car
Some of the funny things he does:
*He walks around with his eyes closed--SO FUNNY!
*He looks at you and starts having a conversation in his "baby talk"
*He copies everything Collin and Maya do.
*When we pass a McDonalds with a play place, he says "Wow, wow, yeah!!!" So stinkin' cute!
I can't believe my baby is 19 months already!! He even got his first haircut on Saturday... pictures of that to come!
Ashley! Hey, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Yours is SUPER cute. You look awesome and your kids are adorable. How've you been lately?
That kid is the cutest! I want to bite him. :)
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