First off, Dan and I decided that it was time for us to take a vacation BY OURSELVES!! So, where do two adults with three children decide to go? Disneyland of course!! We took the kids last year, so we decided this year it was our turn. We had such a great time going on all of the rides!! I adore Disneyland. It is a place where you can go and be a kid again!!
Because of the position Dan is in at work, they require him to take two weeks off in a row. So the week we got back was "working in the yard week"!! We built two garden boxes, a lovely pad for our garbage cans, and pulled a million and one weeds. It looks much better!!
Then on Saturday, as we were heading to WalMart to get some more garden stuff, Dan got the call... His sister had passed away. She was 38. So last week was filled with funeral arrangements and family time.
Can I just say that I am officially done with funerals and people dying? It has been an interesting week to look back and reflect on my own life and see where I am at. Dan and I have had many talks this week about where we go and what happens after this life. His dad passed away three years ago, and he had a baby sister die right after she was born. We are greatful for eternal families, and pray for Shannon's kids that they may find peace in this time of sadness.